Supplying Industries With Durable Mixers, Tanks, Dispersers, and Batching Systems
Our mixes and dispersers are built to last. Every week we receive calls from customers mentioning how our mixers and dispersers from the 1970’s & 80’s are still performing like brand new products. With every project it is imperative that we work out the exact purpose of your mixer or disperser in order to make an original design that is fully tailored to your individual needs. This crucial step enables us to make the Shar System that is known for its dependability and durability. By having several employees with over 30 years of experience with us alone, there is nothing we have not seen or cannot handle.

We will take care of the installation. We will begin by preassembling your mixers, tanks, dispensers, and motor control centers at our plant. This approach not only reduces the time we have to spend in your facility, it also gives us a chance to test the largest components of your system before we install them. The entire system will then come together at your facility. We will install all the components, run the required piping, and take care of the wiring. We will even build all the necessary platforms.

What Makes Us Different

Preassembled products are installed by our experts. We also run required piping, wiring, and even build custom platforms.

Not only do we give you complete training and documentation, but we're also here to help long after the installation.

Most businesses ship products, but at Shar Systems we personally deliver the product to your location.